It is important for you to find mentors to help you in your professional development, but it is equally important for you to be a mentor.
Overcoming cynicism
Many people mistakenly think of me as an optimist, just not the people who really know me.
A case for doing relational work
Caring about the people you serve will necessarily cost you something. So will not caring about the people you serve. Choose to care.
What makes you weird?
If you think being weird is going to hinder your ability to advance professionally, just think about what it will take to “average” your way to the top.
The reason I don’t have rock hard abs
I am firmly convinced that I could have rock hard abs if I was willing to make the sacrifices that people with rock hard abs are willing to make, but the simple truth is that I’m not. I have never met a donut that didn’t seem more important than rock hard abs.