Want to level up your professional game? Start asking any or all of the following questions of anyone who will give you the time of day. You will be amazed what you can learn from the people around you…and how willing most people are to share with you.
No one really wants you to change
Don’t wait for someone to approve of your choice to get better or make things better because, for the most part, people just want you to stay the same.
9 things I learned about business from my 9-year old
Strong leaders create cultures in which failure is an expected part of innovation and growth. They are able honor the fact that failure feels gross while affirming its necessity.
Overwhelmed? You are not alone.
Working long hours, constantly buried under an avalanche of e-mail, voice mail, text messages, and increasingly unrealistic expectations? You aren’t alone.
15 simple ways to alienate people and sabotage your very best work
This list is just the tip of the iceberg, but I can (unfortunately) personally attest to the effectiveness of at least a few of these tactics. Your results may vary, but probably not much.